Monday, June 10, 2013

How Many Times Did I Use The Word Blog?

Yup, it's gonna be one of those posts. The one where I'm all like, "Hi, did you miss me?" and pretend like I had all these great excuses for why I kind of dropped off the face of the know....and all that. 

The thing is I needed a bit of a break because to be honest I wasn't sure whether I wanted to keep blogging anymore. I mean, it's not like I'm a writer or a photographer or traveller or a seamstress or someone who is trying to get myself "out there" and have tens of thousands of readers and all that. I'm not interested in becoming a Mommy Blogger who ends up on TV shows sharing the latest idea of how to do DIY Christmas decorations or how to bake a cake in less than five minutes. I don't want to be the girl who does a link up of what outfits I wear to work every week or who is famous for ranting about the myths of motherhood. Not that there's anything wrong with any of those people. I enjoy reading many of their blogs when I sit down with a snack during nap time. It's just that I don't really know exactly why I blog anymore and what kind of blog I want this to be. 

Really at this point I just want to be able to document these days as a mother, what my kids are up to, and all those thoughts that often go forgotten twenty five years down the road when I'm looking back. I like going back and reading about what it was like. I like documenting the good stuff, the fun memories, and even some of the not so fun ones. It's just do I really need to do that in such a forum? Why not just have a private blog or just do an old fashioned journal?

The reasons I have blogged in the past two years have changed over and over again. In the end I keep coming back. There's something about getting all my thoughts out at the end of the day and having someone listen that is cathartic for me. I like sharing what I am up to. 

So for now I will keep on blogging! 

My kids are growing like bad weeds and every day I look at them and still can't believe they are mine. You know when your child makes that shift - like all of a sudden they just hit that next developmental phase? There's nothing obvious that tells you they have, you just look at them one day and just know. That's been happening a lot around here lately. They just keep on changing and growing and being what I still can't describe other than to use the word - Miracle. So much has been going on. So many thoughts and reflections in my head. So much to write about and yet where do I start?

I'll start with, good to see you again!

Photos by Brent Foster

1 comment:

  1. I love that you blog. I love seeing the kiddos and all that they are up to. Also, I wish I had of blogged when I had young children and would be able to go back now and look at things that happened along the way. Now, I try hard to remember and lots of time my mind is a blank. Did I really have four kids home and what happened back then? Know what I mean???
