Thursday, March 28, 2013


When you get something nice in the mail from someone you love, it is a wonderful surprise. When you get two nice things from more than one person you love on the same day, it is double the treat. 

That's what happened to Maya yesterday. I had stopped by our mailbox on the way home from picking her up from daycare and she yelled the usual "mail time!", as I grabbed the key to our box. When I brought the pile in and told her that her name was on two things, she was so delighted. 

I love sending things in the mail to people for a nice treat or just because. A birthday card, or a valentine, or a picture. I love it when I pick up the mail and someone does the same for us. It puts a little spring in my step, a little smile on my face, a little warm fuzzy in my heart. 

Monday, March 25, 2013

Boo and Bub

Do you have nick names or terms of endearment that you use with your little ones? When Maya was a baby for some reason we got in the habit of always calling her Maya Boo. Not in the Beyonce and Jay-Z sense, just in a fun little baby babble kind of way. After a while it became shortened to Boo and now this is her nickname at home. When Nolan was born I got into the habit of calling him Bub. Again, not sure why, it just kind of came out when I was fussing over him one day and making all kinds of noises and it stuck. Maya started calling him Noly and so that caused Chris to start calling him Noly Canoly. Again, totally random but it stuck. Sometimes he is Canoly for short.  

They are my Boo and Bub. 

I also have silly little rhymes that I say to them over and over again to a certain rhythm and Maya loves it when I do a little dance along with them:

Maya Marie, 
Is Cute as can be
Is Cute as can be
Is Cute as can be
Maya Marie
Is Cute as can be
Is Cute as can be

My Nolan, 
Is my Cute little man
my Cute little man
my Cute little man
My Nolan, 
Is my Cute little man
my Cute Little man

Hey, I never said that they were remotely poetic or even interesting to anyone else outside of our circle!

Sometimes at the dinner table Maya asks us to say them over and over again and now insists that we make some up for the rest of us:

My Mommy, 
she's so so Pretty
she's so so Pretty
she's so so Pretty
My Mommy
she's so so Pretty
she's so so Pretty
she's SO SO PRETTY!!!

My Daddy, 
Is Fun as can be
Is Fun as can be
Is Fun as can be
My Daddy, 
Is Fun as can be
Is Fun as can be

Our Gunther, 
Has lots and lots of Fur
Has lots and lots of Fur
Has lots and lots of Fur
Our Gunther
Has lots and lots of Fur
Has lots and lots of Fur
Has lots and lots OF FUR!!!

What do call your kids? I can't be the only one that has reduced myself to this behaviour. Ok maybe I am. Carry on. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Maya's Birthday

Brace yourself for picture overload!!!

Maya's birthday was low key this year compared to her 1st birthday. This time around we figured we would keep the invite list to just our families and make a simple dinner. I couldn't resist surprising Maya with a bunch of balloons and decorations when she woke up that morning though. It was so worth it. She had a blast playing with them all day.  I made a butterfly cake that I found here, along with a few cupcakes. The whole day was pretty low-maintnance which was a good thing since her brother decided to break out in a crazy weird rash that resulted in a trip to the doctor that morning. You can tell that I didn't have much time to get myself looking presentable for the party, but hey, kids don't care about that kind of stuff when they are looking back at pictures. 

Maya is a lucky little girl. She had all kinds of love surrounding her on her birthday. Some people came for dinner. Others sent gifts. A few skyped. She got a bunch of phone calls.  She thrived on all of the attention and I think she really felt loved. So many people went out of their way to make her feel special. Well can you blame them? I mean look at that cute two year old girl. She definitely lights up a room, let me tell ya. 

Monday, March 18, 2013

On Having Two And Crying

Last week I had one of those days where having two kids wasn't exactly convenient. It was one of those days where it seemed like there wasn't enough of me to go around. It was like that a lot at the beginning after Nolan was born, but now that he is seven months old we have really found our own groove and for the most part, things are pretty managable. But once in a while those inconvenient days still pop up and bite me in the ass.

That morning was a day where I had to be up and have two kids fed and dressed and out the door by 7:30am. For the most part, we managed pretty good but I was still shaking my head and sighing as we left the driveway and kind of laughing to myself at how crazy it is to pull off such simple tasks when you have two young ones to take care of.  It was a daycare day for Maya so once she is off to school I am able to spend a little more time responding directly to all of Nolan's needs right away, rather than having to juggle the two of them. Such an easy task, until of course, I have to pick up Maya again and am on double kid duty. After picking up Maya that day we were invited to my friend's house for dinner and let me tell you those kids of mine were miserable. There was lots of crying and there just didn't seem to be enough of me to go around. At one point I had two kids screaming and crying - one on each side of my lap, rubbing their tears and snot into my shoulder.

It reminded me of what someone had written about here a while back and it resonated so much with me at the time. I remember as I read it I was nodding my head going "Amen sister, I know exactly what you mean".

I knew that having kids so close in age was going to bring me some crazy days in the beginning and I knew that there would be a lot of momma guilt until I could get a balance. Although my head expected this my heart was truly naive. I hadn't fully grasped just how mentally exhausting it was going to be on those days, when there could just not be two of me. I hadn't really understood how just one hour of chaos could drain me to the point where all I want to do is sit on my couch for the rest of the night.

The hardest thing for me at first when Nolan was born was letting my kids cry. There were times when Nolan would be crying in his crib wanting to eat and I just couldn't get to him immediately. There were times when Maya was screaming for my attention as I breastfed Nolan because she hadn't yet understood the concept of taking turns or sharing me. It didn't help that Nolan was colicky for the first three months and HATED his car seat. He would scream bloody murder if we drove anywhere. The second worst thing was whenever my husband was working afternoons, because that meant I had to get both kids bathed and in bed by myself. If anyone had walked into my house during those hours they would seriously think that there was a torture chamber upstairs with all the crying going on.

After the third month things got a lot better. Nolan was able to fall asleep on his own in his crib. Maya was becoming a true toddler and was starting to want more independence. After month six, things finally started to feel normal (minus the crazy sickness that we all had in our house).  Now in month seven Nolan has a consistent nap schedule and Maya is blossoming in her learning and development. We are able to have "normal" days - as normal as it gets with two kids - and there is a lot more joy and a lot less stress. We still have some pretty crazy moments, but we roll with it now. I am actually enjoying being home with my kids.

But the crazy days. Sometimes we still have them. Last week one of them happened and looking back now they don't phase me nearly as much as they used to. Now it's our new normal and I just handle it.

I used to worry about whether letting Nolan cry would cause him to have some sort of relationship issues when he is older.  After all, infant attachment theories have been shoved down my throat since the psych 101 days. I now realize though, that you can still raise a child who feels secure and loved and trusting of others without picking them up right away every time they cry.

I now realize that having two children has more perks than disadvantages. This is something that I plan to write about one day. But for now I can say that Maya is a toddler who is starting to understand that sometimes you have to wait for things and even if she doesn't get what she wants right away, Mommy will always respond consistently no matter what. That is how trust is built. Nolan is a baby who can fall asleep on his own and can sit on the floor and entertain himself for more than two minutes.  That is how independence is developed.

Anyone with more than one kid, even kids that are not close in age, knows that juggling the needs of two kids can be overwhelming at times. Anyone with more than one kid knows that it is double the crying, double the energy, double the stress. But it is also double the joy, double the laughter, and double the contentment of raising a family.

And like everything else in life, it's something that you won't ever fully understand until you are in it.

Monday, March 11, 2013

The Best Two Years Of My Life

Maya, you are going to be turning two on Friday. It's hard to believe that it was already that long ago you came into the world and yet it feels like you have been a part of me my whole life.

There seems to be so much to say about your second year, but no words to say it. 

My brain just can't seem to wrap around the fact that you are your own walking and talking personality with your own feelings and desires. Where you not just my little itty bitty newborn baby? Ah, it's such a cliche that I know all mothers end up saying this when their child's second birthday is on it's way. 

We have been through so much this past year. You have changed so much and blossomed so much. I know that new challenges await us as you demand for your own independence and yearn to learn more things than ever. 

I can't even put into words how proud I am of the little girl you are becoming. I can't even describe the feeling of witnessing the literal miracle of you growing every day right before my eyes. 

Like the air in and out of my lungs. Like the beat of my heart. Like the seasons changing every year. You exist in and out of every day. There are just no words to even say....

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Crazy Kids

Now that we are all starting to feel better this is what my crazy kids have been up to. 

Nolan decided he is going to master yoga. He is diligently working on his downward dog. 

He also decided to stand up in his crib and startle the crap out of his unsuspecting Mommy when she walked into the room. "Since when did you know how to pull yourself up?".  

He's six months old going on twelve. I lowered the crib that night. 

Maya has decided that it takes too much effort to reposition her chair when it falls over and so she just lays on her chair like this during TV hour. Yes she is wearing rain boots in the house.

My husband and I met at McDonalds when we were teenagers (it was our part-time job). Someone gave me this apron for Maya when she was born as kind of a joke. She has recently discovered it and decided that she must wear it everywhere, except of course, when she is dressing up in her upsy daisy costume. 

That kids insists on wearing it all the time. Then there is Nolan with his crazy hair. It is so cute. 

Gotta love'em!

You remember when I said that the play room was done? I lied. Now it is.

One of the walls had a saying on it that I hand painted and made out of old scrapbook paper. It didn't seem like it was "finished", know what I mean? The wall was too big and it just seemed like it didn't balance out the rest of the room.

Saw some cool wall decals at the store the other day on sale for cheap so I picked them up and smacked them on the wall and voila!

I also found a fun piece of wall art that I got with a gift certificate from Christmas.

The last thing I put up was a cheep two dollar poster that had numbers on it, 'cause duh, you have to have numbers in a toddler play room!

Much better.