Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I Think So!

Maya is super smart and surprises me on a daily basis with all of the things that she picks up on.  So it's hilarious to me when she learns a new phrase but uses it in the completely opposite context than what she actually means. You may remember me talking about this a while back when she would ask me to "Carry You?".  In the past month whenever I ask her if she wants to do something that she doesn't really want to do she will yell out, "No!". I would usually respond with, "I think so!" and then go about getting her to do whatever it is that she is supposed to do.  


Me: "Maya, are you hungry? Do you want to eat supper?"
Maya: "No!"
Me: "I think so. Dinner is ready."

For some reason she has interpreted "I think so!" as another way of saying "No", rather than saying "I DON'T think so".  Let me illustrate.

Me:  "Do you want to go upstairs for a bath?"
Maya: "No!"
Me: "Yes, lets go, it's time." 
Maya (with a really stern voice and shaking her head from side to side):  "I think so!"

Me: "Maya, it's time to clean up your toys." 
Maya (with a frown on her face): "I think so!"

Me: "Ok it's time to read a story and go to bed." 
Maya: "No bedtime, I go downstairs!"
Me: "We are not going downstairs, pick out a book to read." 
Maya (runs away yelling):  "I think so!"

Me: "Maya it's time to put on your boots for school."
Maya (throws herself onto the floor in a tantrum):  "I think so!"

When I pick her up from daycare she is always coming home with new phrases that she hears as well. This week she keeps saying things like  "True story!" and "No way Jose!". 

The cutest 23 month old ever. 

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