There are many times where I have wanted to write about my thoughts and feelings about having two kids since Nolan was born this past August. Describing all of the tribulations and joys of having two kids under the age of two would literally take a novel. So here is the condensed version:
With your first baby: With two kids under two:
You have all new and shiny Baby gets hand-me-downs.
baby things.
Everyone sends cards and People "like" your birth announcement
presents, hand made quilts, on facebook.
meals, etc. People come to
You say you don't care about You say you could care less about what
other people's opinions or advice other people think (and you actually mean it).
on how to raise your baby (but
really you do - a lot).
You obsess over doing everything You let your five month old lay on the ground
exactly like the book said. You google and watch Barney with your toddler.
everything. You insist on doing You don't always remember to sterilize the bottles and
everything "organic" this and "no TV" you use the anyway.
You try to go as long as you can without You start giving your three month old a bottle of formula
ever exposing your child to formula (not a least weekly and give him gripe water like it is going out
even just one time while you are at the of style. Heck, you give him tylenol as well because he
gym). is being a little cranky and you want him to go to sleep.
Some days you forget to brush your Some days you really do forget to brush your teeth and
teeth and only get a shower every other can't remember the last time you showered.
You try to sleep when the baby sleeps. What is sleep? Seriously.
Everything is so magical - the first Everything is so magical - the first smile, the first sounds,
smile, the first sounds, etc. etc....but your toddler just dumped a bag of flour on the
floor, so move on Momma!
There is some crying involved. There is ALOT more crying involved.
Your eight month old wants you to Your toddler is making the baby laugh and
be entertained every second of the day. it gives you time to finish supper - cool!
You never let your baby cry unless The baby is screaming in his crib while you read your
it is necessary. toddler bed time stories - and it doesn't even phase you
You are the one asking all kinds of Whenever your friends ask baby related questions
questions to other Moms. You ask you always have a gazillion stories to share about
"is this normal?" at least three times your own you have been there and done that -
a day. even if they didn't want to know.
You have good days and bad days. You have good days and horrible days.
Sometimes you get Momma guilt. You have Momma guilt all the time.
You think having one kid in diapers is You are elbow deep in poop, but sure are glad that you
a chore. are getting this diaper business done in one fell swoop.
You are glad that you are getting the the entire baby stage
done and over with all at once, for that matter.
Your heart explodes with joy on a Your heart has multiplied. You can't
daily basis as you watch a tiny miracle ever picture your life without two kids.
grow in front of you. There are no words to describe how complete you feel.
The way your babies look at each other with wonderment
and laughter is priceless. You are a family.
There is a lot more to it than that but come on, I have two kids under the age of two. Do you think I have time to add more?